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Our Farming Philosophy

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

When we purchased the first 40 acres of our farm in 1990, we had a vision in mind. This vision included a setting with a peaceful, serene country lifestyle that would nourish our family physically, spiritually, and economically.

While keeping the age-old tradition of nurturing the land alive, we believe that caring for the earth from the soil up ensures healthy plants for our animals. As stewards of the land, we work in harmony with nature to establish natural goodness and wholeness. That is why we practice management intensive grazing which honors and restores the land. This way of life gives us great food with exceptional nutrition and taste.

Over the years we have found that diversification is a very important element of our farm business. As our acreage expanded, so did our livestock. Today, although we specialize in the production of lamb on our 180-acre farm, we also balance our land with other animals.

The best way for us to assure a truly superior product from beginning to end was to maintain control of our meat from conception to consumption. In order for us to do just that we decided to do much of our own processing of the meat as that way, we could guarantee the best. As an addition to our home, an east wing was constructed in 1995 where we built our very own small USDA processing plant (1996-2020).

We believe that by buying food direct from farmers like us, you can have a clear sense of where your food is produced, and know that it is good and this ultimately benefits everyone.

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