Calendula is a favorite, hardy annual with bright yellow or orange flowers which hold strong medicinal qualities. If picked regularly, they will bloom throughout the entire summer. The more you pick, the more they bloom. When picked, the blossoms leave a sticky resin in your hand. Frequently used as a culinary herb, it became known as the “poor man’s saffron”. Calendula flowers can be used in salads, added to soups and stews, or to omelets.

Latin Name: Calendula officinalis
Key Elements: Lymphatic & Wound Remedy
How Used: Edible (petals), Externally & Internally
Preparations: Food, infusion, tincture, oil/salve, lotion.
Parts Used: Flowers.
When to Harvest: June-September
Contains: Bitters, carotenoids, flavonoids, muscilage, resin, saponins, volitile oils, iodine (leaves).
Medicinal Uses
Famous wound remedy, especially swollen, hot, painful wounds with pus
Cuts, abrasions, sores, wounds
Burns, sunburns
Stops bleeding
Heals scars
Soothes pain and irritation
Decreases inflammation of sprains and swellings
Stings and bites
Cat scratches
Helps rebuild connective tissue
Excellent remedy for lymph glands swollen with lingering infections
Enhances immunity
Blood purifier
Old infections
Inflammatory digestive problems including colitis, peptic ulcers, stomach irritation, nausea
Liver and gall bladder cleanser
Enhances digestion, absorption and liver function
Viral hepatitis
Detoxifier for skin disorders such as acne and eczema, shingles, measles, chicken pox
Bacterial or fungal skin infections such as athlete’s foot, thrush or ringworm, diaper rash, cradle cap
Mouthwash for gum disease and teeth
Eye infections
Hemorrhoids and varicose veins
Menstrual problems
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.